Rice Project Dolls by ASK
Headed by creative director and producers Annie Yun and Shin Kim
These dolls have been created from scratch
Name: Curvey
Type: Mouse
Enviro: Green (forest)
Name: Lypocripal
Type: Mouse
Enviro: Green (forest)
Name: Lypocripal
Type: Puppy
Enviro: Red (dirt)
If you are interested in these dolls please ask!
These Dolls are hand made.
Lot of time and care have been pourd in.
No two dolls are the same.
Evey one is given a different name.
Request A Doll!
How They Are Made
Each of these dolls have been hand drawn, designed on paper
Patterns for each piece is then made with percision on computer
Printed patterns are then traced onto fabric and cut out.
Cutouts are sewn together on a sewing machine.
Details are hand sewn.
Filled with RICE and hand sewn closed
Name is given and name tag is made
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Wow! Can the rice be eaten? I'm excited to get my very own ASK doll. When will they be available? And what does "ASK" stand for?
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8:
yummy...shirakiku...haahahah...i want one too...how much?
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8:
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8:
D. Lim
Im guessing it stands for Annie, Shin Kim
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8:
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Art Gallery Quicklist
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ASK ?- Rice Dolls - Joint Production Project. . . Always expanding
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Annie Fashion - Annie Fashion
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