My Homes
While I was cleaning my desk (yes finally) I came upon some old bills
I realized that I had lived in many many places in the past 6 years.
In tribute to all the places that I've lived in, and for the memories that are still here
in my heart, I decided to dedicate this page to those who have both lived and visited me there.
I will be adding more. . . both from my history & future. . . keep a lookout
If you were there, please let us know what you remember.
283 Berkeley
283 Berkeley: It's right in front of the school. Very convenient.
I have many fond memories from there since I've lived there
for more than 3 years. From 1998 - 2001. See that big thing on the left?
Well, that's the theater, shopping mall, trader joe, coffee bean
extravaganza that I would go to at times.
Since the theater was so close, I used to walk to the theater by myself
and just watch some B rated foreign films. I saw Life is Beautiful.
1622 Marguerite Ave
1622 Marguerite Ave: A very odd place. I lived here for 1 year. . . till I
got myself out because the girls were taking over the place. No hard feelings.
I just felt kinda uncomfortable. Yes. . I lived with girls 2 guys, 2 girls, then
the guy leaves so it turned into 1 guy 3 girls.
See the water above. That's the acquaduct. See the grassy hills on the way right? That is the cemetay.
See all those random buildings to the right? Those are churches. I think there were about 5 diffeerent
churches in that area alone.
555 Paularino Ave
555 Paularino Ave: N/A . . . written soon
25307 Monterey Cr.
25307 Monterey Cr. N/A . . . written soon
2501 Pico Blvd.
2501 Pico Blvd. N/A . . . written soon
4917 Indian Wood Rd.
4917 Indian Wood Rd. N/A . . . written soon
Arial Photo Shots are Provided By: GlobeExplorer - check out where YOU live.
Share some memories you've had at these places.
Don't forget to write the location.
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ruien |
your page sucks :P
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Shin |
Hey guys, sorry about the little technical difficulty. . . the comments are working again.
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Shin |
I said sorry. . i forgot to change the CONSTANT
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
ruien |
Dude! you sleep around alot shin!
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
ruien |
Well i don't like to move around, but it just happens.
I lived at Berkeley and Paularino. Ya, Shin is a gooooooooood roomate!
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Jen |
Remember my nemisis in CDM? That's right... the MOUSE!!
We couldn't catch that mouse to save us. Remember how it kept eating my cheese-its?
That dang mouse ate through my back-pack to get my cheese-its.
Let's just say it's lucky it left when it did. ;) hahaha j/k
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Shin |
Yes. . that blasted mouse. . .
hahaah so funny. . . it always
remained a enigma where it
went to.
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
DAvid from awana |
i still remember the paularino house we miss you shin
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Teddy |
where is yoshinoya?
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Shin |
AHAHAH.. letme see. . it's actually
right there.. next to Rite Aide. .
which is right in front of the building.
You can see the parking lot of
Yoshinoya.. to the left of Rite Aide
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Shin |
Hey David. . . Hope you and all you guys from
awana are doing well.
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
David |
Were all good it was great to see you at church again
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
David |
I still remember when we lef tthe other david at the house and he had played Diablo for like 10 hours
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
°ÇÁ÷ |
it cool
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
Shin |
I'm going ot have a new house
coming up soon. . .Ooooh... I'ts
in culver City. .. Watch out!
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
ceana |
party at shins house!!! someone bring the chips i will bring the toilet paper!!!whooo whooo!!!! ...yea, like that will ever happen....i am still thinkng of a housewarming painting theme..dang ti i thought i would make something sexy...culver city? i will go ice skating and then i will hit shins house for some grub..then find annie and shin kissing on the couch..ahhh!!! hahhaahha
posted: -1-2--2013 23: 1:8: |
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